Let Us Together Practice Learning and Happiness!!!

Let Us Together Practice Learning and Happiness!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Let Us Clean Ourselves Up...

MAY 18, 2014


“Remember...Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.” 

-Zaid K Abdelnour

RS says...

I am laughing, laughing and laughing.... ha, ha.. This quote has made my day..What a clarity of mind, heart and soul.. How can anyone pull you down from above you.. To pull you down he has to be somewhere down there.. below you...Labels are no proof of heights..It's what one really is deep inside...And if one has gone down to pull another down, one can never lift oneself up.. One can however have that illusion..

Has the 'evil' in you ever raised its head being threatened by the 'good' in someone else and have you gone to the darkened black holes of your own inner-self to pull that 'good' down.. And the presumption, that you have won inflated your false pride .Has it ever happened..? If yes, and the fact God continues to send you pure air to breath, it only means that God is giving you a chance to clean yourself up... to forgive yourself that in spite of 'light' glowing inside, in some weak moments you chose 'darkness'.. 

Uplift yourself by getting rid of  that that's pulling you down..doesn't matter if "that" resides in you...it's never too late to thank god for the air he sends us not only to breath but also to help us clean ourselves up...

Am I not really turning into a thinker.. ? Seeking acknowledgement 
even from friends like you all is indeed risky....ha, ha..)


Friday, May 16, 2014


People have not gone by mere words...They looked at Gujarat and voted for the 'evidence' of change offered...APP could have done a lot better...They have to 'mature' as a party and get experienced.. They have made a good beginning in Panjab.. Only thing is they couldn't 'Show"..and perhaps people of N.Delhi were not impressed by Ex-CMs Dharana.. It appears to have taken people away from them..

With such an aware voter, Rahul Gandhi could never have been a competition..as he didn't have anything to show except his heritage.. Past doesn't last.. Voters between the age group of 20 to 30 have seen and observed only last 10 years ...Those are the years which made an impact on their fresh minds. and obviously, they were hardly presented with things for which they could take pride.. I think they have voted for change so that are able to take PRIDE in being sons and daughters of India...They want to be a part of clean and prosperous India ..No more scams, no more crime, no more self-centred power brokers.. no more nexuses based on hunger for accumulating wealth....

I think this is the biggest change.. Young India wants change to get 'demonstrated'.. That's what NaMo will have to ensure... HE WILL HAVE TO DELIVER.. GIVE EVIDENCE OF WHAT HE HAS SAID..AND THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE HOPE TO SEE HAPPENING..FROM THE TRACK RECORD WHAT ONE SEES IS THAT HE MAY DELIVER TOO.. else young India has learnt what needs to be done...Visibility of performance matterS.. Visibility..is the crux..

Good luck, India...i have personally always loved to focus on Good.. and perhaps now I won't have to search for it ...shall find the flowers of joy and happiness and prosperity blooming...all around... Good shall become so easy to pick.. Trust as declared by NaMo, he shall carry all the MPs along making each one of them responsible for their constituencies respectively..


Friday, April 25, 2014


I am not born to be extra-ordinary,
But don’t want to remain an ordinary
So help me God to be,
Just a little or lot more than ordinary……..

Right from childhood, one thing was evident. I had all the talent . But the circumstances , as they unfolded, during my adolescence told me one thing…extra-ordinary events outside me were a must, an extra-ordinary realisation was a must if I were to be an extra-ordinary.  I did have may chances, but then the way luck needed to support it didn’t.
But then I decided that I should not remain an unknown face, an ordinary soul that visits Earth as part of the cycle and nothing more. So I prayed to God that I was willing to make an effort to go beyond myself, to be a little more than ordinary…and then if life permits, a lot more than ordinary…
This book is a proof…that I am moving forward…towards a lot more than ordinary…God willing..I will reach.


Monday, February 17, 2014

First Lesson: Self Awareness

Hi Friends,

Writing thinking poetry on my Blog A Little More Than Ordinary and having posted more than 880 poems and haiku , I realised that I had been bestowed with this gift of thinking. So I decided to share here whatever comes to me to help you and myself learn and grow...and while being in the process to also understand that we need to be knowing ourselves everyday because we are not what we were yesterday...and therefore the title of the blog is kept as Know Self Grow Self..

My first sharing on What I thought is "Self Awareness.."


To go to the darkest corners
Of my inner space, I dare,
It’s this fearlessness, perhaps,
That makes me ‘Self Aware’

Self –Awareness: What is it? Is it only knowing my own strengths or is it also knowing my weaknesses? Is it getting acquainted with my brighter side more or does it also mean looking at my darker side?

Most of us always like to know ourselves only through our brighter side for we get scared to confront all that is negative in us and is hidden somewhere deep inside our own inner space. Therefore, we often tend to know about ourselves perhaps only to the extent of less than a half of what we might be. That’s what makes us get annoyed with those who try to put across our darker side in front of us. But then, every identity on this planet has a darker side too except perhaps Sun...and if one really looks at it, one sees Sun's darker side too in the eyes of a thirsty child in a desert.. So nothing wrong in that. It’s part of being human. What perhaps is needed is to know for one self about what lies inside those darker corners of one’s inner space by showing courage and being fearless to take a plunge. For we deserve our own forgiveness for having created those darkened corners to make life more beautiful and comforting. It’s true, self awareness brings comfort.
